AdZapper Support

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AdZapper does not block ads on a website

Does AdZapper block

Yes, AdZapper blocks

AdZapper may have missed an ad. You can use the web inspector on Safari to block that ad, or you can download another filter.

No, AdZapper does not block
  1. Make sure the default list is enabled
  2. Refresh AdZapper’s filters (swipe down on the filter in iOS or click refresh button on macOS).
  3. Toggle AdZapper’s content blocker and extension in Safari Settings
  4. Restart Safari
  5. Restart your device
AdZapper encounters an error when pressing “Disable AdZapper on this website” in Safari
  1. Turn off AdZapper’s extension (The steps are similar to turning on the extension)
  2. Restart Safari
  3. Turn on AdZapper’s extension
    • Steps for iOS can be found here
    • Steps for macOS can be found here

If the above doesn’t work, restart your device

AdZapper is not injecting Javascript into a website
  1. Make sure that you have enabled Javascript injection for the filter that has the Javascript you want to inject

If that doesn’t work, follow these steps

  1. Turn off AdZapper’s extension (The steps are similar to turning on the extension)
  2. Restart Safari
  3. Turn on AdZapper’s extension
    • Steps for iOS can be found here
    • Steps for macOS can be found here
AdZapper crashes when opening the app

AdZapper will crash if its folder in Documents (macOS) or On My iPhone/On My iPad is deleted. Usually, this can never happen, but if it does, uninstall and reinstall AdZapper.

  1. Uninstall AdZapper
    • iOS Steps (For more information, see this article)
      1. Go to the App Library
      2. Press and hold on AdZapper
      3. Click Delete App
    • macOS Steps (For more information, see this article)
      1. Go to Launchpad
      2. Click and hold on AdZapper
      3. Click the X
  2. Reinstall AdZapper from the App Store
A message appears saying AdZapper would like to access data from other apps

This is a new security feature on macOS that prevents apps from accessing files outside of the sandbox. AdZapper needs to access a folder outside of the sandbox in order for it to communicate with the extension. This folder is located at ~/Library/Group Containers/com.grubysolutions.adzapper
At this time, if you do not allow access to this folder, AdZapper will crash.

To prevent this popup, enable full disk access for AdZapper in System Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Full Disk Access

AdZapper only needs Full Disk Access to access the folder above. AdZapper does not access any other folder outside of its sandbox.

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